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A Discreet, Boutique Medspa In Sykesville Maryland

Our team of medical experts at Vitality Aesthetics are dedicated to providing our clients with advanced, FDA-approved medspa services and physician-grade skin care to correct and prevent the signs of aging, enhance the appearance of the face, neck, and body, and rejuvenate the skin to achieve the best version of themselves.

We offer proven, noninvasive and minimally invasive alternatives to the most popular invasive cosmetic procedures such as laser resurfacing and complex facelift and bodylift surgery.  Our services include Dysport/Botox injections, Restylane, Juvéderm, Radiesse, and Sculptra dermal fillers for facial wrinkles and lost volume and lip enhancement, Plasma Pen Skin Tightening, cosmetic and medical microneedling using an electric micropen, chemical peels, Celluma LED light therapy, and the revolutionary Bio-Revitalizer PRX-T33 “No Peel” Peel that is offered on the East Coast only at Vitality Aesthetics.

Vitality Aesthetics’ signature facials complement our medspa services for a healthy glow and target some of the most challenging skin conditions such as acne, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, rough texture, fine lines, and wrinkles.  Our treatments are designed to deliver lasting results that are natural looking to boost self-confidence and enrich the lives of the people we serve – men and women of all ages, ethnicity, and skin type.

With over 20 years of experience in dermatology, medical aesthetics, and cosmetic procedures, our internationally renowned Medical Director and team of medical professionals take the time to understand the concerns of our clients and develop personalized treatment plans to address their needs in a safe and comfortable manner.

There’s no need to travel to the city to find the services and expertise that you want and deserve, and our payment and financing options are flexible and affordable to work for your individual situation.  We look forward to working with you to achieve your aesthetic goals.


Every shade of beauty


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